CEGEP, is it all we really expected it to be? Honestly, I don’t think I can really answer that question. As I go through my fourth and final semester at Marianopolis, it feels like these two years have gone by far too quickly. I remember my first day of CEGEP like it was yesterday, as cliche as that may sound. But in reality it was so long ago. Hell, I’ve even modeled for Marianopolis. Yes, that’s me in the Led Zeppelin t-shirt on the page for the science program in the school’s brochure, despite the fact I am not a science student. I guess I just fit the image they were looking for.
The speed I've gone through CEGEP makes me wonder if I’ve changed significantly as a person since high-school. I’d like to think I haven’t changed much since graduating high school, but thats rather unlikely when you think about it. As people age and learn new things, they change. It’s bound to happen. Some change for the worse and some change for the better. The problem is, I don’t know how I’ve changed so far.
While I can say that I’ve learned a lot while studying at Marianopolis, I can also say that I’ve forgotten a lot of what I’ve learned here as well. This is my main peeve with how CEGEP works. We are forced to cram tons of information into our fragile, eggshell minds until they eventually crack and we are overloaded with information that may never be useful to us throughout our entire lives. Personally, I often find myself in a state of delirium towards the end of exam period. I’ve written countless essays, completed several test and exams and consumed several gallons of coffee to do so. And this ladies and gentleman is what’s wrong with our education system.
Now, I’m just one man, but I do have an opinion. The way I see it is that when you are forced to learn all this information, synthesize it temporarily, write a test or an essay on said information, then immediately forget what we’ve learned, only to repeat the process over and over again, the whole cycle is a little obscene, no? Of course it isn’t! After all, the Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie knows what’s best for us don’t they? I mean, they must right? These guys have one purpose and it’s to make sure that the minds of Quebec’s young student population is properly enriched and educated so that we may go out and change the world. What I can tell you from firsthand experience as that it does just the opposite. It overwhelms us and forces us to panic. It weeds out those of us that can handle the pressure and survive, and it throws those that can’t handle the pressure out into the street to shrivel up and die.
Without a doubt, what CEGEP truly goes to show us that the sole purpose the Quebec government puts us through CEGEP is to get rid of the intellectually weak. Through putting us into CEGEP, the Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie is ssentially trimming the fat off the piece of meat that we are collectively. Only the strong survive. And this ladies and gentleman is why CEGEP is the downfall of the Quebec education system. We are molded and manipulated, and I for one have had enough of this nonsense. I know every single CEGEP student can relate to what I've just said. Hopefully, we can be the change we want to see.
Stay thirsty my friends,
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