Sunday, February 10, 2013

Writer's Blue-Balls: An Inexplicable Pain

I used to find it easy to write. I would sit down at my desk, put on a Led Zeppelin album and just write. It was easy, the words would flow through my fingers and within a short amount of time, I’d have a nice piece for myself to be proud of. But lately, things haven’t been this way. Writing something for myself to be proud of has become a difficult and arduous task as of late.  

I’ve been in some sort of a rut, I can’t seem to write anything I believe to be “blog-worthy”. Ever since I stopped blogging weekly, I’ve been having this trouble. I just cant seem to put my thoughts down into a coherent piece of writing. My mind moves faster than my fingers as I type, and whatever flashes of brilliance I do have are forgotten instantaneously. 

Now, after sitting on my favorite chair in my living room for the past hour or so, writing a blog about something I don’t really care about, I have once again abandoned another half-written piece of filth. It’s funny actually, I used to pride myself so much on this ability to write that I just thought after not writing consistently for a while, I could just turn it on  once more and write with ease. However, I am evidently wrong. Being a writer, let alone a good writer is a very difficult task. It requires, time, patience, effort and practice.  

With that being said, it is very frustrating to be where I am right now. I’ve hit a wall, a roadblock. I’m stuck in this pit and can’t seem to get out. I try writing about anything that interests me and yet, I just can’t seem to bring myself to do it. You could say I have writer’s blue-balls. Everything I write just seems to have no flow, no rhythm and no point to it whatsoever. Sitting at my desk I re-read what I write only to be frustrated with myself and move onto something else. 

Maybe constantly changing topics isn’t the best idea, but hey, I don’t even know what else to do. What I can say is that this is a humbling experience; it puts you in your place, makes you realize that you’re not so high and mighty as your ego allude you to think. All I will say is that after writing this blog, it’s made me come to terms with my writer’s blue-balls and perhaps, I’ll finally be able to move past this great obstruction. 

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